What is love?..
Some people just go..ahhhh.. over it.. let off a huge sigh and then start mumbling something that really seems funny to someone who's never experienced it..
But still what IS it anyway???
What the Hell is it??
How do u define it??
Can you actually tell the difference between love and infatuation?
People say that love is unconditional.. but if that was the case, why do you have to say your marriage vows, Lets put it this way, marriage has never ever been about love.(OK I know I'm wrong here in many aspects, bu t still hear me out) 90% of the time.its just that you feel, you are alone and you need a partner, and most men prefer having many partners, but the sad part of their fantasy is that their value is like the stock market , except that you know EXACTLY when the value is gonna drop, and you need to sell yourself out before it too late, before your stock crashes.
And girls , before you start laughing, here's the thing, your value drops much faster you know, and its something your parents keep reminding you about..
So in short it’s not love that brings people to make the insane decision of tying the knot.. Its just that at one point of time they start running out of options, and well YOU HAVE TO GET MARRIED!!
But the question then pops up.. what if I don’t? what if I just wanna be alone? . I mean I'm happy the way I am.. so wat gives..
To be frank , Iv thought about it personally and the sad truth is..
Actually I was just joking..
Sooner or later we all have to fall into that phase of life. You really cant be single forever,
Sooner or later,
Whether you like it or not, you ll be forced into oblivion.
Id never forget my dads words, it was like a poem, Don’t get me wrong.. I ve never seen a happier couple than my parents J but this was what he had to say ..
I guess its something passed on from generation to generation
“ Marriage is a life long tragedy,Personal Disaster,Social Disgrace andUniversal Mistake.And a wife's undoubtedly,Worries Invited ForEver”
Anyways, coming to the reception part of it, Seriously. I kinda hate receptions you know. Cause of two things
Number One:
It’s a marriage reception
Number two:
Cause of Number one.
Either half the public out there, keeps gossiping about the newly wed couple, or half of them just came to enjoy the food, the drink and of course a night of swirling around dance floor
Oh ya, you don’t even need a ticket to get in, you just need to supposedly get the brides parent to recognize you, no one even remembers who was invited for that matter.
Anyways on wedding receptions its gonna be on another posting.
Coming back to love and infatuation, it gets really difficult at times to differentiate the two.
And its hard to say what you are in actually.
If you wanna protect yourself from your ex or something, when they ask for a reason for the breakup , you can easily use the excuse of infatuation to get away with it.
Its tried and tested.
And it works.
But truth be told, there is no such word as infatuation. It was just invented by some person, who couldn't believe that love was actually never eternal.
And so the word infatuation was born.
It was just a way of not facing the reality that love could die too. Infatuation was a cover up properly tailored to fit the role.
Its not my expert opinion, its just a thought… a simple thought. ..
And I see some truth in this more than what I ever saw in love.
So between infatuation love and marriage , if you ask me whats the diff, well….
Infatuation is the form of love which resembles the world as seen from a child's eyes.
Everything seems great, u don’t think about anything.u don’t worry about anything.
Love is that Phase of “love” which resembles, the world as seen by a blind man.
That’s it , you don’t see through the person as what he/she is, u accept him unconditionally(Well, terms and conditions can be applicable at times :P )
And marriage is that phase of love, where you actually see the world as it is, and face reality.(you see the person as he/she truly is, and u learn to live them, well ur doomed to be with them forever)
Well its not that you HAVE TO live with them, its just the laws a bit strict on that part :P
And plus, if u believe in oaths and “promises”.. obligations.. social status. Etc..etc.. . yup ..Ur stuck.
By the way this is coming from some random bachelor, who’s opinion SHOULD NEVER be considered.
Marriage: License to "do IT." :P :D :)